About this website
Architecture of this site

Not too complicated. User will access the hosted zone via Route 53 DNS services, pass a firewall and based on location will be passed through 1 of 2 public subnets in different AZ's and passed along to an EC2 virtual server. If resume is accessed then passed to the S3 bucket with the CV in pdf format.
Front-end technology
The front-end for this site was primarily built with Next.js and React Three Fiber. I'm not really all that into web development or UI/UX design so I did some research on libraries and frameworks that would allow me to design and render components in an "assembly line" style. I just wanted to create templates for webpages and then after they're implemented modify and customize them to fit the appropriate use case, Prismic.io was key in this aspect. I didn't want to get bogged down in redundant CSS styling so I opted for Tailwind. React Three Fiber handles the 3d models on the homepage and GSAP does all the animations site-wide which made it relatively straight forward.